Monday, August 10, 2009
We, Mr. & Mrs. Hadiprsetya,
Thanking our big families, for making our dream came true...THANK YOU for the perfect wedding!
Thanking cikngah, cikde, mami Giok ... for being the WO for this perfect wedding ;)
Thanking our bro & sister... for being best man & bridesmaid ... for taking part in the wedding.
Thanking both of our very cute flower girls : Eugene & Jocelyn ... you babies take everyone's heart.
Thanking each of our family members ... who already made it to the wedding.
Thanking each friends... who came from a far far away land hehe *lebay mode on... thank you for making us laugh n smile happilly during the party ;D
Thanking Susi Kleo, for making the bride looks superbly beautiful. I, the bride myself, love your ideas and creativity(thx for using cymbidium instead of other common flower!)! Your work really beyond my expectation.
Thanking New Bride for the elegant dress...
Thanking Gratia Entertainment... for the fabulous voice ... u rock our wedding ceremony and the reception!!
Thanking James Photography... for the patience and the passion to snap our pretty moments.
Thanking Blossom Florist... for the gorgeous hand bouquet ... exactly like what I want.
Thank you guys all...
We couldn't ask for more.
We Love you God.. for making us to be one.
With Love, ♥
7:13 PM
Saturday, August 8, 2009
After all these years
for you who has been a friend along the way
for you who have been around through the good and bad times
for you who bring smiles just the thought of you
for you who have loved me with all of your heart and strength
when I make you mine for the rest of my life
I promise...
to be your one true friend like you are to me
to care for you as you have been for me
to fill your day with laughter and joy
to protect you with all the strength I have
to hold your hands and grow old with you
I love you, and will always be...
With Love, ♥
9:00 AM
Friday, August 7, 2009
Susunan Acara
Pernikahan Mario & Sisilia
8 Aug 2009
17:00-18:00 à Photo session I (foto keluarga inti di pelaminan), urutan:
a) Pengantin + ortu Mario
b) Pengantin + ortu, kakak adik Mario
c) Pengantin + ortu Lia
d) Pengantin + ortu, kakak adik Lia
e) Pengantin + bridesmaid, bestman
f) Pengantin
Gladi resik
(keluarga inti makan malam dulu sebelum resepsi di mulai)
18:30 à Pengantin, ortu, kakak dan adik istirahat sebentar untuk persiapan prosesi
18:45 à Berdiri di depan pintu masuk sebelah luar untuk menyambut tamu
19:00 – 19:02 à Opening by MC (Trisno)
19:02 – 19:10 à Prelude songs by Gratia Voice :
1) For Always
2) Somewhere
3) I Believe in You
19:10 – 19:15 à Prosesi I,
Keluarga inti, urutan:
1) Papa & Mama Mario
2) Kakak & Adik Mario
3) Papa & Mama Lia
Catatan: MC memperkenalkan pada tamu, ortu menuju ke pelaminan,
kakak adik tidak ikut ke pelaminan
19:15 – 19:18 à Pemutaran foto/ video klip
19:18 – 19:22 à Prosesi II, urutan:
1) Bestman dan Bridesmaid
2) Pengantin Mario & Lia
Catatan: Bestman & Bridesmaid tidak ikut naik ke pelaminan
19:22 – 19:27 à Welcoming speech by Tedy Hananta Yudha
Waiter menyiapkan 7 gelas dan memberikannya kepada Mario & Lia
Mario dan Lia mengambil n menyerahkan gelas ke ortu
Mario Lia masing2 mengambil gelas
1 gelas untuk MC
Angkat gelas dan TOSS
Tembak confetti
19:27 – 19:30 à Perform by Gratia Male Voice khusus untuk Mario & Lia
19: 30 à Cake cutting
Pengantin memberikan potongan cake ke ortu
Acara suap2an berdua
Wedding Kiss
19: 35 à Doa makan by Tedy Hananta Yudha
19:37 – 21:00 à Ucapan selamat
Tamu di persilahkan makan
Live Music Performance
20:30 à Pengantin dan ortu mingle around (berkeliling menemui tamu2)
20:50 à Throwing bouquet
21:15 à Photo session II:
1) Keluarga besar Mario
2) Keluarga besar Lia
3) Teman2 kantor
4) Teman2 kuliah
5) Teman2 sekolah
21:00 – 21:30 à Music from CD
21:30 – 22:00 à Acara bebas / closing
With Love, ♥
7:46 PM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Daftar Kegiatan Pagi 8 Aug 2009 untuk keluarga LIA
02:30 à Lia ditemani papa/henk2 naek taxy ke Susi Kleo di melawai
??:?? à Tata ditemani papa/henk2 pakai sopir menuju New Bride Kelapa Gading untuk
di make up dan pakai baju
Mama, mami kucie, seiku, alina and jessline make up di hotel Intercontinental
06:00 à Lia balik ke hotel, siap2 pakai baju pengantin + penutupan slayer dibantu oleh
mama dan mami
Tata back to hotel dan siap2.
07:00 à Mobil pengantin siap di lobby hotel intercontinental
07:30 à semua keluarga yang mau ikut pergi ke gereja, harus berkumpul di lobby
07:45 à Berangkat ke gereja, convoy dipimpin ko gandi
Tata ikutan mobil pengantin
Mama, papa, henk, jess, mami kuce, seiku, alina, suk afuk pake sopir.
07:30 à Ko Indra & Ci Gretha menuju ke gereja membawa lilin, alkitab, cincin, tempat cincin,
rosario n salib
08:00 àReady di gereja Matias Cinere
Ucapan terima kasih : Siska & Yudi
Konsumsi untuk gereja: Siska & Yudi
Buku tamu + buku gereja + alat tulis: Siska & Yudi
08:15 à keluarga Rio berangkat dari pondok labu ke gereja matias
08:15 à cek & ricek
Paduan suara by Trisno
Meja mempelai harus ada 2 mic & 2 buku acara : Cikde
Persiapan persembahan (2 bunga, lilin dan buah) : Cikde
08:50 à Pengantin sampai ke gereja Cinere
09:00 à Pemberkatan dimulai
11:30 – 12:00 à catatan sipil
12:00 – 13:00 à acara dilanjutkan dengan tea-pay & santap siang di rumah pondok labu
13:00 – 14:00 à pengantin dan keluarga Lia balik ke hotel intercontinental untuk re-touch
14:30 à Susi Kleo re touch dan ganti slayer
Mama, mami kucie, seiku, alina and jessline re-touch make up
16:00 à keluarga rio menuju Citywalk
16:30 à keluarga lia menuju Citywalk
17:00 à Siap2 untuk Foto keluarga + Gladi resik (lihat susunan acara Citywalk)
With Love, ♥
8:00 PM
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Got technical meeting @ citywalk...
have to match & rematch every ideas and plans together, wish everything goes smoothly in that time ;)
With Love, ♥
2:40 AM
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Dating with waide ... @Pacific place *grin*
Well, actually she accompanied me to have a facial n body spa at clarins as Susi Kleo advised me to.
The treatment is fabulous! My mind and body are relaxed and refreshed ...
Ps: Bebi i miss u ... see u on wednesday ;D
With Love, ♥
2:51 AM